The Inner Magic Experience:
A 6 Week Journey to Balance & Ease
Through Self Love
We each have a unique “inner magic” ~ the power to unlock our full potential, to rediscover our Authentic Selves, and to live a life that nourishes our souls, invites abundance, and equips us to navigate life’s challenges with more balance and ease.
But then the everyday “stuff” gets in the way, and we often find ourselves disconnected from this “inner magic”. We feel lost, uncertain of who we are or the way forward. We are left feeling frustrated, overwhelmed and let’s be honest, sometimes really hopeless. When we are caught in these emotions, it can be hard to know what is truly needed to create a path forward to get to the life we dream of.
And that’s where I can help. Because you see, I’ve been there. And I’ve discovered this fundamental truth:
🌟 All you need is profound and unwavering love for YOURSELF. 🌟
I'm telling you, that's it. That’s the key.
Join me for this 6-week virtual course. Together, we will lean into the place where science and energy healing meet as we embark on a transformative experience to explore how to turn feelings of imbalance, chaos, and negativity into opportunities for radical self-love so you can re-connect you with Your Authentic Self, and live your life with more Balance & Ease.
This Course if for you if:
You want to regain your sense of Self
You yearn for a sense of peace amidst chaos
You want to reconnect with joy in your life
You want to remove the blocks to abundance
It's time to break free, to be seen, to be YOU
Course Sessions on Tuesdays 7:30pm Eastern Beginning November 12th
Each 90-minute session will feature LIVE teachings, interactive sessions, experiential practices, an energy healing session, and time for Q&A. Each session will build upon the previous ones, so you’ll develop a tool kit of practices you can replicate in your day-to-day life to help you identify and free up energy blockages, regain a sense of self, and live life with more balance & ease.
Module 1 (Tuesday, November 12): What’s Your “Why”?
How many of us spend time wrestling with questions like: “Why am I here? What is my purpose?” We begin our work by exploring where our sense of purpose comes from, and consider a stunningly simple yet profoundly powerful answer to those questions: “To Be Love in the World.”
Module 2 (Tuesday, November 19): Break Down the Walls
Now that we know where we’re going, we take a deep dive into the blockages that keep our energy from flowing freely. Using guided meditation designed to transform and transmute the root causes of the blockage, we begin to tap into the power of our Inner Magic to release old wounds, limiting beliefs, and identities imposed on us by others that no longer serve us.
Module 3 (Tuesday. November 26): Make Friends with Limiting Beliefs
Throughout our lives, we have absorbed information from our surroundings that tells us we are not enough. These limiting beliefs contribute to the energy blockages in our fields, and keep us from living our best lives. In this module, we will explore the day-to-day behaviors that keep us in deep judgment against ourselves, and begin to replace fear with the vibration of unconditional and unwavering love for ourselves.
Module 4 (Tuesday, December 3): Empty the Cup
We know what we want. We have an understanding of how to identify where the energy blocks are, and how we can begin to release them. Now we are ready for love, abundance, balance & ease to flow toward us! But if our cup is still full with residual vibrations from heavy emotions, there’s not enough room to allow all that Light in. So now it’s time to empty the cup through daily practice. This module will support you in framing out a daily practice that is uniquely suited to you and your beautiful journey. Even if you already have a daily spiritual routine, let’s work together to take it to the next level, and allow you to empty even more of what no longer serves you!
Module 5 (Tuesday, December 10): A Love Affair with YOU
You’ve spent so long trying to meet the expectations of others, trying to navigate the negativity and chaos around you by creating walls of protection and pulling inward, and that’s all been part of your growth and learning. But now it’s time just for you to expand! In this module, you will begin to build a whole new relationship with yourself, embracing both the Light and the Shadow within, coming into a place of deeper and deeper Love for Self. These vibratory ripples will spill out into your world and draw toward you all the resources you need to live your life with more Balance & Ease.
Module 6 (Wednesday, December 17): Living a Life of Balance & Ease
There’s a saying: Sometimes you have to look back to move forward. In this module, we will tap into the power of the Cosmic Matrix to amplify the love we have for ourselves, and this will set us up for long-term growth and success. We will explore the science behind the power of gratitude, and identify support systems that will allow us to live our lives with more Balance & Ease, no matter what comes our way.
Can’t make it live for all the classes? No worries! Your registration will give you access to the recorded sessions, as well as all materials.
If you're ready to embark on this transformative journey, join me for this virtual experience that will ignite the spark of your Your Inner Magic … 💖
A $330 Value ~ Pay What You Choose
No matter what you pay, you’ll get the same course content
and resources as everybody else.